Saturday, October 18, 2008

What have I been doing?

So I decided to check my blog for posts and such and realized that I haven't done anything for 10 days. So I looked back and realized that it's been the little things that has made these ten days fun. I'd go in chronological order, but I can't remember it like that. Time just smashes together here.

I had an American breakfast. French toast, eggs, real fresh squeezed with pulp and seeds orange juice (so good) and bacon. It was delicious. It was also expensive (60 RMB about $9 (cheep in the US, expensive in China)) But it had better have been good after all it took me to get there. Christian and I decided to walk there. We thought it was going to take about 15 minutes. It took about 40. And it was hot. And it was long. But we had a good talk about our families and lives and all that good stuff. So it was all worth it.

Also in Wudoako, I went to get haircuts. Not my haircut as I do my own, but Danny, Ming-Yee, and Lea's hair. They got their hair washed and scalp massages and it was good for them. They don't realize that Christian and I got delicious raisins and water for free. I also learned Chinese. I spent 20 minutes plus in a salon studying Chinese while eating raisins and having this guy try to get my to have a massage. Only in China.

I've been running a lot here. I love to run on the track even though it gives me the cough of death. I love it because running outside is so much better than inside. I'm also a fan because I feel really fast because I lap everyone. Keep in mind I'm only running 8 minute mile splits, so it's not like I'm sprinting, it's just that Chinese people go to work out in jeans and jog slower than turtles stampeding through peanut butter. Unfortunately, I did do a sprint workout because I was finally able to (can't really do one on a treadmill) and hurt my legs. So my showing off to China sidelined my running for 2 days.

Sidenote: working out in China is weird as all Chinese men are obsessed with their abs and at the gym you will constantly see them checking out there abs, which aren't that good, in the middle of the gym.

To counteract the running, I do things like walk to McDonald's at 12:30 AM to buy ham bao baos with Chirstian and Mobai. Nothing tastes better than burgers and fries after midnight.

We also had a mixer with Stanford. It was good. Danny and I decided to meet up with them at a restaurant. But we didn't have their numbers or know where the restaurant was. We walked for 40 minutes or an hour or something like that before Danny called a person who wasn't with them and got a number for one of the girls that was there. I called her, awkwardly explained how I got her number, then we got to the restaurant. It was pretty fun and they're kinda fun people. Hopefully we will get a chance to hang out after I finish this paper.

Oh this paper. Can't wait to finish it.

Dad, I just want to let you know that Christian and I have decided that you are, in fact, a pirate from Riben (aka Arrgh - bun (aka Japan)). I think you know why.

So that's what I've been doing for ten days. At least, that's what I remember.

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