Saturday, October 25, 2008

Free Book

So the other day was Deb's B-Day. We went across town to celebrate. WE were going to taxi there, but it was rush hour so we took the subway. After briskly walking to the station and getting on board, we luckily got seats. There weren't too many left and I sat by this kinda weird and sketchy looking Asian guy with Christian by my side.

So we're chilling there not saying too much when Austin gets a phonoe call and speaks some Chinese. The guy sitting next to me hears this, thinks that all the people in our group speak Chinese and talks to me in Chinese. I explain that I'm kinda lame and cannot speak Chinese so he switches to English. Christian, this guy, and I have a forced, poorly communicated English conversation. His English was pretty good, but it wasn't going too well. Then he finds out that Christian speaks Japanese, so they switch languages and just go for it.

So here I am, sitting between the two, not really knowing what's going on, when Christian translates a little for me. Turns out he's a PKU grad and got his masters at the Yale of Japan. So he's pretty impressive. Then they start talking some more and he starts opening this paper package. I'm wondering what on Earth is going on/are we about to die. Turns out it was filled with books and he hands one to both of us. This guy's an author. He wrote a novel (sadly in Chinese so i can't read it). Yeah. So I ask Christian to explain a little more. This guy is not only an author, but speaks like 7 languages and is a big wig at some international company. Not only that, but he is currently producing a major Chinese movie. He's probably one of the most successful people I've met. And now I have a signed copy of his book, including his phone number and as invitation to hang out and learn more about his career.

I never knew that taking the subway would be so amazing.

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