Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My New Penguin

So China has given me freedom to own, wear, and do anything I want. They don't really judge me, they just think "Ta shi mei guo ren (He's American)" and let it go. As such, I decided I wanted a little penguin coin purse guy to hold all the stupid change I get so I can spend it. This is his story:

It starts this last weekend. I had a paper due and spent all my time doing that. I put my other classes on hold. I also have watched the first 10 episodes of Heros in the last three days. In other words, I haven't gotten the most sleep. More than everyone else, but less for me. Anyway, I turned in my paper, got out of class at 2:30, watched Heros til 4:30 then went on my quest knowing that I had to write two reading responses before 8 without having done the reading yet. Whatever.

So I walked to the subway station which is always a test. I almost got hit by a car and had to push my way through the throng of people. But I got there ok, got on the right subway, made my connections, and got to the right stop. I knew it was the right stop because Mariel had said so. But she didn't say which store. I looked around and crossed the street and looked around and entered the closest building and looked around then left and looked around and was about to give up when I saw it. It was awesome.

I went in, was greeted by a nice girl. Well, she was nice in that she didn't push me to buy anything. She still followed me around the store though. That's when I saw it, the perfect penguin. It was so nice. It's made out of "leather." I say "leather" because I don't know if it's real or not. It cost me $3, which is kinda expensive for china, but cheep for the US, so I thought it would be okay.

He is adorable. I'd post a pic, but I'm too lazy to walk across the hall, get my camera, take a pic, and load it. So you'll have to deal for now.

Then I got back, two hours after I started. I had 90 minutes to read five or six articles and write five hundred words on them. Not a problem. They were psych papers. Read the abstracts, made up some BS, moved on with life. Now I'm watching Heros...so good.


dad dit said...

It's good to know that you haven't changed your study habits from Yale!!

JBear said...

PS. My response was selected as a good example of how to do responses. Hurray for being the only native English speaking psych major in the class

Megan said...

hahaha... you're too funny and I'm always jealous of your ability to work incredibly fast, and have it be GOOD!

I've had to learn how to not procrastinate so much this year to get the desired grades... I'm jealous of evil evil you!

Joe said...

How else do people do reading responses? I thought that was how everyone did them... At least I did