Monday, September 22, 2008


So China can't make up it's mind on whether it wants me to be fat or not. Here's why.

I hate chopsticks. I mean, I can use them sometimes, but not most of the time. Thus I can't eat. Therefore China wants me to be skinny.

BUT, then it goes out and fries all of it's food giving it this nice greasy layer. Therefore, it wants me to be fat.

But the food that isn't fried or falls off of my chopsticks has a 50/50 chance of being a vegetable. And those are good for you. Thus they want me to be skinny.

Lastly, the air is so polluted I can't run outside. I rarely did anyway, but now I have an excuse.

So when I come back with an extra 50 pounds, it's not my fault. Blame China.


Joe said...

Does Chinese food in China taste like Chinese food in America?

dad dit said...

I will believe it when I see 50 pounds on you(skinny boy).

JBear said...

not really, kinda, but it's different. I don't know how to put my finger on it. but I get sick of eating it all the time, I miss western breakfast the most. Who can eat dumplings for breakfast??