Thursday, November 6, 2008

Study Break?

I have just finished a marathon of studying. I had three midterms this week within 24 hours of each other. This meant I've been studying characters, why we speak the way we do, and how culture affects our brains and behavior nonstop since Saturday when I realized that I had all these tests. My brain is fried. But it's over, they went fine and now I can move on with life.

I usually get through these times through study breaks, be they set up by others or just me taking a break. We had our first Yale-PKU study break this last week. Trying to get the word out was a blast. We received an e-mail advertising the fact that on Wednesday the 5th we would be having a study break at 10:00. Here are the thoughts that followed.

Yale Students: Yes! Free Food

PKU Students: ???

I cannot count the number of times I heard Austin try to explain what a study break is. It was even more fun as he tried to convince some of them to come. The biggest issue was that they were too busy studying...which is kinda the point of a study break, but that's okay. It means more doughnuts for me. The next problem was that they couldn't go because it would be too long. Austin tried to explain that they could just come, get a doughnut, and return to their work, but I that didn't work at first either. But then the time came and the room was full. They may have had to sudy, but I think they finally understood the importance of free food. I'm excited for the next one.

And just so everyone knows, I've started to play Christmas music. Not loudly and when others are around, but it has started. After Thanksgiving it will be playing and playing loudly at all hours. Get excited China, I'm going to introduce you to Christmas music.

1 comment:

Joe said...