Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So I lied. I haven't been posting anything. I've been busy. So to make up for it I'm just going to tell you everything I have been doing for the last three weeks in one EPIC UBER POST!

Okay, so three weeks ago I went to the Olympic Park!

It was so much cooler than the Olympic park in Sydney. The Buildings are just designed to be awesome.

The Watercube has a moat which actually goes into the building too. I almost pushed my friend in, but I thought that'd be bad. It was really neat to see the building from the inside too. For those of you that have been in Beinike (however you spell it), the Watercube has the same effect of light coming in.

The Bird's nest was also pretty sweet. It's so well designed, but at the same time doesn't seem like it can hold too many people. They tried to stop people from going on the track, but I really wanted to, so I did. Well, a little. I stuck my leg through the fence. They also didn't want me to touch the giant inflatable Huanhuan, but no rope can stop me. It was pretty cool, though it took waaaaaaaaay to much time. It was an entire afternoon.

Then Austin, Lea, and I went to Wal*Mart, which is a lot worse in China than in the US. But on the plus side, it had this:

Then it was Halloween. We had some bad chocolate, carved pumpkins and watched a movie. It was okay, but I think Yale might have been more fun.

Fast forward one week. Welcome to the Deer Park. I was going to go to 798 (which I will do and tell you about later) but Ming Yee and Lea were going to Deer park and I thought, well, no one else will ever go to deer park, lets do it. So it took us forever to get there as we left nice Beijing and made our way to the far south, just barely reachable by subway, area of Beijing. I had no idea what to expect, but when we got there we saw some sweet English translation and I knew it'd be okay. I figured it would be like Fawn Doe Rosa (for those of you from SCF) but it was so much more. Well, not really, but it was pretty sweet. There were deer. Lots of them.

There were also Emu which make a noise like a drum. And a deer with antlers that looked like cancer. And a horse that tried to kill Eric. And ducks. And a sweet play ground. And reindeer. Then we took a sketch cab back to the subway station. Well, we tried to. He didn't know where it was. He wasn't a very good cab driver.

Okay, move back to the night before. I went out for a birthday party. Not mine, but a friend's. She turned 21 and it was a blast. About 15 of us went to dinner at a really nice restaurant. We took cabs there and I went with 3 people I've never met, two were from Scandinavia and they were crazy. Aparently when they're home all they do is drink with their family and go in Saunas. What a life! The restaurant was amazing. It had delicious burgers and drinks and was so good. We played drinking games there with wine and had a grand ol' time. Then we went to find some cheaper alcohol and dance. Laurel, the girl who planned all of this, did a great job, plus is an amazing drunk. It was a good night which led to an early morning of deer park.

Okay, now go forward to my birthday. Much lamer. I didn't want to drag people across the city and instead we had pizza brought to our dorm. It was good pizza. I also got coffee earlier that day, which was delicious, and bought a mug, which I love. It was a generally good day, but not the type of birthday one should have when they turn 21. So when I get back, I'll be looking to go out.

Another boring week of class...blah.

And now we are up to last weekend. This last weekend I volunteered as a camp counselor at an International Church inn Beijing and it was amazing. It wasn't as good as Whispering Pines (RIP) but it was still fun. My campers were from Korea, but all spoke English really well and were really well behaved compared to others there. Unfortunately that made camp a little more boring as all they wanted to do was play cards or listen to their iPods when they could have been out on the challenge course or exploring the grounds. We were at a sweet place, but they were lame. My favorite part was the worship. I didn't know middle schoolers could have so much faith and praise. One night we had glow sticks and kids were jumping and singing. It was amazing. Then we prayed one on one with different kids which was really moving. The kids were just so awesome. Another great part was that it was Office themed. The different groups made businesses. My team might have gotten last, but we made weapons out of meat, we were Dark Night Sausages. Our product was made by a group of kids we found out later weren't in our group and when they left all our energy was taken that sucked. We tried as counselors, but we could only do so much. Camp was awesome. I may be working at camp again next summer, we will see.

So that bring us to today. This morning I had to go to a temple on the other side of town to do research for my paper. This would have been fine, but no one could go with me and I speak minimal Chinese. So I take the subway to the other side of town, no problem. I hail a cab, no problem. I tell him where I need to go, he starts driving, no problem. Wait, problem. I could just feel that we were going the wrong way. He pulls over and I'm like "No, this isn't right, that's not a temple." So i should him the address. I guess I mispronounced it. He starts yelling at me, and I say sorry in Chinese. Thankfully he keeps driving. We get there, he just laughs at me and is saying something I don't get in Chinese. Then i go to pay for the 15 kuai trip with a 100. I tell him I don't have any small bills (in Chinese, yeah, I'm awesome) and he yells at me some more. I just leave. Jerk face. I try to get in, some guy stops me. It takes me a minute to realize that I need to buy a ticket. I show the lady my student ID, but she makes me pay full price anyway. Jerk face II. I start taking pictures of prayers, the focus of my research, and I have no gloves. It's about 30 degrees F and my hands are just frozen. I take over 100 pictures of prayers I can't read, explore for evidence of other things I can include, then leave with my frozen hands. I get in a new cab, just show him the name of the subway station. We head in the right directions, so i think he understands. But no. Hes just heading toward the street. He passes where I'm pretty sure the station is. I get him to stop and walk two blocks to get to the station. Jerk Face III. I get back and go to Starbucks for some Christmas Blend and something to warm my hands. Then i go to a boring lecture and study Chinese. I played LIFE with Christian and Austin. And now I'm here. So there you go, my last three weeks of life. Thanks for reading. I leave for Xi'an on Friday and I'll have pictures for you Monday, hopefully.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I need to be honest with all of you: I got lazy these last few weeks. I didn't want to post some things until I had the pictures ready to upload. And that took two weeks. So here's a quick update. I went to the Olympic Park. We celebrated Halloween. I went to a deer park. I celebrated my friends 21st birthday. I celebrated my 21st birthday. I started playing WoW. So that's obviously too much for one post. So that's what you get to look forward to over the coming days, assuming I don't WoW it up too much.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Study Break?

I have just finished a marathon of studying. I had three midterms this week within 24 hours of each other. This meant I've been studying characters, why we speak the way we do, and how culture affects our brains and behavior nonstop since Saturday when I realized that I had all these tests. My brain is fried. But it's over, they went fine and now I can move on with life.

I usually get through these times through study breaks, be they set up by others or just me taking a break. We had our first Yale-PKU study break this last week. Trying to get the word out was a blast. We received an e-mail advertising the fact that on Wednesday the 5th we would be having a study break at 10:00. Here are the thoughts that followed.

Yale Students: Yes! Free Food

PKU Students: ???

I cannot count the number of times I heard Austin try to explain what a study break is. It was even more fun as he tried to convince some of them to come. The biggest issue was that they were too busy studying...which is kinda the point of a study break, but that's okay. It means more doughnuts for me. The next problem was that they couldn't go because it would be too long. Austin tried to explain that they could just come, get a doughnut, and return to their work, but I that didn't work at first either. But then the time came and the room was full. They may have had to sudy, but I think they finally understood the importance of free food. I'm excited for the next one.

And just so everyone knows, I've started to play Christmas music. Not loudly and when others are around, but it has started. After Thanksgiving it will be playing and playing loudly at all hours. Get excited China, I'm going to introduce you to Christmas music.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Coffee and Clippers

I have started to drink coffee. The best reason I can give after years of hating the stuff and refusing to drink it was hanging out with Danny and Ming Yee as they went to a coffee shop. I had gone with Danny before and gotten hot coffee, but I fell to peer pressure and got coffee when Ming Yee was there. It wasn't the best in the world, but I liked it and it kept me up for some four hours. Then I just kept getting it. And it snowballed into bad things. Like this last Saturday I wanted to get out of 42, the building I live in, so I decided to go to Starbucks. I realized I could get a Venti regular coffee for about $3 and that I'd then have a good reason to stay there for hours. So I did. But about 1/2 through it, it got cold because I was drinking it so slowly. My solution: buy a tall mocha and pour it in. So I did. I had a lot of caffine pulsing through my system when I was done. I was kinda twitchy after that and couldn't focus on my characters. I couldn't stand to sit still. I also didn't feel like moving as my stomach felt weird. So I was in a bad place. I was actually able to nap it off after a while, which was weird because I was so ready to go. But then I was tired the rest of the day. Stupid coffee. But for those of you that are reading this that drink coffee, I'd love to have a cup with you to tell you about my time here as long as you buy.

So that was this weekend. Today I decided to cut my hair again. It hasn't been very long since I cut it last, but it felt long to me. I took my clippers to the bathroom and went for it. But I was stupid and didn't fully charge my clippers first. So yeah. As I type this my head is about half shaved, and not well done at that. I could feel that it was going to die so I just tried to do it fast. I'm wearing a headband in a effort to hide it. That's working out well, but I really don't want to have to go to class, meet my tutor and go to training to work at a church camp all in a bandanna tomorrow. We'll see what happens. I hope to fix it before class, but I may be up late, so who knows.

Must learn psychology, but just don't wanna. It's a multiple choice test anyway. I'll just answer C and hope for the best.